Days Series
Sue deGennaro Little Hare.
Daddy Days
Some days are long, sunshiny ones with nothing to do but play and laugh together. Other days are full of phone calls to make and dishes to wash. But no matter what kind of Daddy Day it is, there’s always fun to be had and hugs to be shared.
Mummy Days
Some days are full of tree climbing, cloud watching and games of hide-and-seek. Other days are for rushing through the shops or answering emails. But no matter what kind of Mummy Day it is, there’s always fun to be had and hugs to be shared.
Easter Days
Today is a hunting for eggs day. There’s so much fun to be had and all sorts of places in the garden to look. But whether the eggs are found or not, the joy of Easter comes from spending time together.
School Days
Some days are full of butterflies in tummies, upside down lunch boxes and lines for the bathroom. Other days are for singing really loudly, dressing up in costumes and listening to stories. But no matter what kind of School Day it is, there are always friends to be made and fun times to be had.
Happy Days
Some days are for ice-cream in the park and bubbles in the bath. Other days are for camping in the yard or skating down the path. But no matter what kind of day it is there is always joy to be found.
Grumpy Days
Some days start out badly, and only seem to get worse. You might feel like stomping and sulking, kicking and crying. But even on a grumpy day it’s always possible to turn things around.